Fencing is unique, a sport that asks its participants to make moves and calculations in an
instant. Before this equipment existed, scientists were well aware that aerobic exercise served to pump
extra blood to the brain and body, which increased oxygen to the brain cells. However,
this is only the beginning. Is this the result of smart people fencing, or that
fencing makes people smarter?Recent studies are showing that the latter is true, so head out
to the fencing salle, learn some moves, and boost your brainpower!The science is in: physical
activity boosts your brainpower. In the game of chess, players must think several moves ahead
in order to execute a winning strategy. This isn't the only study showing that physical
fitness is linked to greater success in school, and the effect is not limited to
college students. Some parents don't think beyond the football-baseball-soccer triad. For example, the Newsweek article
points out that schools have already taking steps such as putting PE class before reading
class. The result is better scores all around.Ronald Bass, one of the lead researchers in
an ACSM study of middle-schoolers' academic performance and relative physical fitness, found that "students meeting
cardiovascular fitness standards 'were six times more likely to meet or exceed Illinois reading standards
and over two-and-a-half times more likely to meet or exceed the math standards.'"If this weren't
the most compelling reason to reverse the watering-down of physical education in our schools, it
would be hard to find the one that nike shox nz is.The best brain-boosting results are found from
cardiovascular exercise, the same type of exercise experienced by avid fencers. The potential for sharpened
mental acuity is just one of the benefits you'll enjoy as you learn the basics
of this fascinating sport.Whether you and children in your care engage in fencing or some
other sport that promotes cardiovascular fitness, the important thing is to get moving. Fencing -
Physical Chess. Intuitively, it seems natural that physical fitness would be linked to sharper intelligence,
and according to a recent presentation at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American College
of Sports Medicine (ACSM), exercise makes you smarter. Hillman, an Associate Professor at the University
of Illinois found that among 259 Illinois 3rd and 5th graders, those in the best
physical shape also scored highest on math and reading in standardized testing. Not all parents
have the resources or the desire to get their kids involved in sports. Children spend
a significant portion of their waking hours at school, and most schools have some type
of physical education class during the week. As we see here, this is probably the
exact opposite prescription the children need.Some schools have not ignored the research done by Hillman
and others exploring the connection between intelligence and physical fitness. So, it seems that by
participating in vigorous fencing, not only is a fencer using his brain, he's increasing his
intelligence.A recent Newsweek article made the connection between physical fitness and success in school, quoting
a 925 silver Harvard psychiatrist who pointed out that the ancient Greeks drew a clear line from
physical fitness to individual learning. In other words, this connection is nothing new.Scientists have long
understood that the human body is amazingly complex, and with the help of sophisticated brain-scanning
equipment, they've been able to go further than ever before in showing why physical fitness
has such a profound effect on intelligence. The unfortunate by-product of poor student achievement in
some schools is the elimination of physical education classes in an effort to increase instructional
time. Participation in the this sport requires fitness and concentration, a powerhouse duo when it
comes to increasing brainpower.The study presented at the ACSM Meeting found that among 266 undergraduates,
those who exercised vigorously for at least 20 minutes per day had higher grade point
averages than those who did not. Regardless of the children's individual socioeconomic situation, the findings
held.With all of this research supporting the connection between physical fitness and brainpower, all the
more reason to participate in a sport like fencing. Those who engage in regular physical
exercise are less likely to develop symptoms of Alzheimer's - a real incentive to get
active and stay active.Fencing is not just a sport for the young. Fencing is just
one of many sports that incorporate vigorous cardiovascular movement.The long-view is not only that young
people will engage in physical exercise to improve brain function in school, but also that
those children will grow into adults that also enjoy physical exercise. Success in fencing is
entirely dependent on the miniscule moves and split-second decisions a fencer makes when competing. When
muscles engage, they release chemicals through the bloodstream and to the brain, which in turn
releases more chemicals that boost higher thought.One of the implications for these findings is the
importance of physical fitness programs for school aged children, and for increased support of school-sponsored
fitness programs. Dr. With people living longer and longer, dementia and Alzheimer's disease are greater
concerns than they've ever been. Indeed, it is a unique sport that is accessible by
all. If you're an adult who longs to try fencing, there is no time like
the present to get started. The cliches surrounding the sport highlight the fact that successful
fencers are very smart people. Fencing, similarly, requires the fencer to carefully engage with his
or her opponent in order to exploit weakness and score a point. Charles H. This
is good news for everyone, but particularly so for kids in school looking to make
the grade.Fencing is already a sport associated with intellectualism, often called "physical chess" by coaches,
fencers, and fans. In a nation with ever-widening waistlines and declining quality of health, physical
exercise is vital to improving our well being and sharpening our intelligence.Craig Harkins runs Fencing.Net
- with resources on the sport of fencing and also has a fencing equipment store
that offers a wide range of fencing blades, uniforms and other gear for beginning to
advanced competitors..
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