
The Miami Heat played their last game of the regular

The Miami Heat played their last game of the regular season against Orlando but Shaquille O'Neal and Dwyane Wade were on the inactive list.Heat coach Pat Riley took the decision not to play O'Neal and Wade because he did not want two of his star players to get hurt before the playoffs. Wade missed 23 games after dislocating his left Nike TN Pas Cher,should and is presently nursing a sore knee. He will well aware how devastating an injury can be to the team.Neither O'Neal nor Wade complained about getting the night off.Wade said that it was one of those times where a player just had toNike Ninja Homme keep quiet and listen to coach and do exactly as the coach directed. In 1983, when Riley was coaching the Los Angeles Lakers, forward James Worthy broke his leg in the final week of the regular season and Riley still thinks that it was one of the reasons why the Lakers were unable to defend their NBA title.This time round Riley was not going to take any chances getting his two most important players injured when the Heat have to defend their NBA championship.Riley said that for the whole year, teams play for positioning themselves and they try hard to keep the players healthy. Wade said that he would get some conditioning and then take it from there.While O'Neal said that he was all set for the playoffs to start and was looking forward to it.Heat forward James Posey was also inactive on account of a sprained wrist TN Requin Spider Hommeand shoulder.Check Out More Sports Articles:Best Online Sport book bonus, largest Online sports betting, sport bookie online, mnba europe, MNBA commissioner David Stern, basketball [http://usbookies.com/article/basketball/NBA-Stern-Confident-About-the-New-NBA-Ball.htm], Luol Deng Does Think Bulls Can Have Three Twenty Point Scorers [http://usbookies.com/article/basketball/Luol-Deng-Does-Think-Bulls-Can-Have-Three-Twenty-Point-Scorers.html].

